Ive added about 20 pages to the "scraps and notes" section of the CreeD Omnibus. Above you can find samples of the kind of behind the scenes materials that Ill be adding. The final book will have a LOT of these. It turns out that I WILL be adding the Cyberfrog/CreeD crossover. I read a review that referred to it as "the crossover that NOBODY demanded"... but fuck 'em. Im reprinting it ANYWAY! Primarily because the book was actually really damn good, but also because I want this thing to be complete. Which brings me to Utopiate... the image series that nobody demanded. lol. Im going to re-read it again tonight and see what I can see. Maybe for the sake of satisfying those who demand a complete collection... itll still make it. Perhaps with a disclaimer, and notes on what I might have done differently.
I read through Utopiate last night and found a great deal of value in it afterall. I think that my memory of developing the book was really negative, and that evokes some reluctance from me about reprinting it. But after taking another look, I realized that I can fix some of the problems I had with the artwork in remastering it, and rework the lettering (which really needs it btw). So, yes, that will push the collection up to about 550 pages so far.
I'm sold man! I've always loved your creed series and cyber frog was cool too all those small books back then were so great I wish people still made stuff like that now. All we get now is zombies.....zombies.....yawn....
I think sort of a "Director Commentary" would be awesome. One of the Calvin & Hobbes books did that and it was pretty insightful.
I'd be curious to know what issues you have with Uptopiate Trent. I remember liking it a lot when it came out... besides the ending which made me sad.
Mostly I have issues with the artwork that I did, and the lettering. I have personal reasons for disliking a couple of scenes, but it gets better towards the end. The end of Utopiate is the end of CreeD as we knew it to be. Without spoiling anything... if there is ever another CreeD book, it will be completely different because of the events of this book.
Awesome sketches as usual. Really dig the umbrella guy - his design has so much personality!
great update! i really loved the cyberfrog/creed-crossover when it came out. It was great and featured excellent art from both you and Ethan. Also glad Utopiate will be included. Damn, 550 pages ... fantastic!
Tonight, I found out that a good friend of mine has left this reality. I'll be getting that CreeD tattoo we always talked about back before I got my first dab of permanent ink. Thank you Trent for a beautiful way to remember better days.
<3 nazzrose
I'm deeply sorry to hear about your friend passing. I was quite moved reading this, and I'm grateful that the thought of CreeD brings you pleasant memories of times and conversations you've shared with your friend.
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