I scripted up a few more pages this week with a few layouts. Im trying to keep 5 pages ahead of each pages release just to ensure no delays. Hm... perhaps I need a little gas powered generator too? Well I suppose then I could continue posting pages well after the 2012 catastrophe.
I really wish that I was going faster with this book. Its a constant battle to make time for everything that needs to get done. Im doing a lot of marketing research right now, and started advertising Nova Colony on topwebcomics.com, and Twilight Monk on project wonderful. So we'll see how that turns out. I took out the ad for nova colony a long time ago though (1.5 Months), and it still hasnt gone up. Im guessing they are quite backlogged with ads.
Im sort of learning all about how to do this stuff right now, as I only ever did print comics in the past.