Monday, November 29, 2010
Twilight-acular monk-days page.
Also Mondays page is up at today as promised! Its been 2 months now, and I couldnt be happier with the reception that the book is receiving. Ive gotten a LOT of letters, and good suggestions from various people that took the time to write to me. Im really pushing to improve the quality AND put out more pages, but right now Im just focusing on getting ahead, and ensuring that the next part of the story comes out as good as I want it to.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Twilight monk book 1 page 12
Monday, November 15, 2010
Twilight Monk page 11
Monday, November 8, 2010
New Monk cover, and page
This week, I did a little "getting ahead" on the book. I started roughing out the next sequence of pages, and double checked some script stuff. I fixed some dialogue from page 7, and overall just subtle little tweaks here and there.
It was nice to have a weekend with no responsibility. For the last few weeks, Id been really squeezing every last minute out of every day for conventions and comissions and overall just being way too busy drawing. I finally just took almost all of saturday off to play Dead Rising 2. Its a fantastic, and yet dreadfully cheesy game. Only thing that really bugs me... and it REALLY bugs me, is the control scheme. Its impossible to pick up the item you want if youre standing over multiple items. And sometimes after a weapon breaks, itll USE the next item in your inventory. So in the midst of a zombie mob, your bat breaks... and you stop to eat a pizza and get killed. This is retarded. Also the vehicles all handle like an RC car.
Overall tho, its a keeper. Every now and then I play a game that I decide while playing... that I HAVE to keep it. Castlevania Lords of Shadow didnt make the cut. Primarily because the design in that game is WAY more broken. That thing plays like Jimmy's first God of War clone. Dont get me wrong, the art was beautiful. But what good is that if you die constantly because of a stupid camera, or because you were supposed to hit a button at a precise moment, but you dont know what you were supposed to do till after youve died? Worthless.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Long Beach Comic Con. New page for the monk
LBCC has come and gone. I met so many great people at this show! I did several commissioned artworks, which Ill post throughout the week here starting today. I was shocked to see old friends like Ruben Martinez who I worked with at JNCO, and Danny Miki, who I worked with on Ghost Rider. How cool is that, that they are still drawing, and doing so well! I met a lot of other artists, and traded books… it was nice to be remembered for my work on CreeD, considering how antisocial I was back in my convention days in the 90s. It was truly a highlight to meet Cheeks (Sean Galloway)… that dood shook my hand 13 times (I counted.) And its no surprise why he is so successful. Hes just the friendliest guy on the planet. Angela dressed up as a ninja on Saturday, and a lot of photographers came by to take pics. I think shes more popular than me now.
For everyone that came by to see me, I am eternally grateful that you stopped by, shared your stories, and picked up some books. Its the first of the month again, and the Topwebcomics rankings have started over. Please vote for me every day! lol. Okay once is nice enough. Thanks! Its the numbered button on the left.
This was my version of Poison Ivy from the show.